About Us
Meet Anika
I believe there’s a vast potential within you
waiting to be unleashed.
Your personal rituals and daily practices shape your life. If you want less stress, more energy, better health, stronger relationships, more abundance, etc. you need daily practices to support your goal. The key to creating more of what you want in life lies within you.
I started Transform the Norm because I believe there’s a vast potential within you waiting to be unleashed. Instead of waiting on the world to change and give you what you want, I empower people to create change by using mind-body-energy practices.
I understand that deep yearning for something different in your life. I also know how daunting it can feel when you don’t know how to get from where you are to where you want to be. My dedication to teaching mind body practices comes from my own healing journey. I grew up with a mother suffering from schizophrenia. When she was sick it was like being on an emotional rollercoaster. I desperately wanted to save my mother from her illness – which was a lot of to process and carry for a little girl.

I know what it takes to
transform your life
Over time, I began to release my ‘stuff’ and heal. I’d love to tell you it happened over night, but that was far from the case. Looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing. Learning how to use mind body energy practices to tap into my inner power to heal myself was empowering. I transformed my life by using mind body practices and you can too!
Teaching Others to Transform the Norm
After fifteen years of practicing yoga and meditation and ten years of teaching mind body practices, I know how to distill complex concepts into practical terms and exercises for everyday use that are easily incorporated into a daily practice. I teach people how to get into driver seat of their life by tuning in, focusing their mind, building energy and finding their inner guru. Ultimately, I want you to live your unlimited potential.
Click below to learn more about my education and teaching experience.
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